Stem removal machine for fruit 1,8-2 kg/hour

destalking machine for cherry, plum 1,8-2 kg/hour
General information

The machine is designed to remove the stalks and rinse the following fruits: cherries, cherry plums, plums.
The equipment is made of stainless steel and meets the standards: BS, DIN, ISO. The machine is mounted on four adjustable legs.
Cleaning fruits from stalks and leaves occurs with the help of rubber rollers that spin towards each other without damaging the fruits.
The machine is equipped with an automatic fruit agitator.
During its operation, oppositely rotating rubber rod pairs provide the locking and removing of stems, while the alternating movement of a sliding unit performs the even distribution, the turning of the fruits and the separation. The sliding unit is also equipped with a washing unit, so cleaning can take place during the destalking process, improving the removal of foreign matter and small impurities.

Dimensions, mm: 2450x1200x1700
Working voltage: 380 V
Capacity: 1,8-2 kg/hour
Electric motor P1: 3 kW
Gearmotor P2: 0,55 kW